Ye Olde Searchboxe

Saturday, December 5, 2009


been a while, sorry.

This little number comes to us from the fertile ground that was Japan, 1970. This is a blistering collaboration featuring free jazz sax exrremist, Kaoru Abe and is absolutely mind melting.
Whenever these two are on the same record together they create a whirlwind of noise that's almost hard to handle but those who do come away with a new appreciation for this style of music. This is an incredible document of the power these two (especially Kaoru) can create.

I myself am not a huge fan of Free Jazz and have long considered it a sort of lackadaisical farce of a genre. Being a fan of Noise though, with all of its inherent dissonance and lack of structure, I could never really justify my distate other than simply not liking it. Becoming a fan of early Japanese artists has started to shift my mindset though. Artists like Kazuki Tomokawa, Kan Mikama, Jun Togawa and Otomo Yoshihide have started to expose me to the seedy underbelly of the Jazz scene and its heroes. These are two of my newfound luminaries.

This might be a rough testbed for both of these artists but if you can appreciate it, you will definitely love everything else they've achieved together. Enjoy.

Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe Mass Projection
2 songs 54m3s
Feed on the filth of the world

Monday, November 16, 2009


I can't say enough good things about her.
Soft and soulful, her music is beauty, packaged and pressed into a musical format. Soft pillowy vocals lay gently atop the faintest hints of a guitar track. So soft that anything above a whisper runs the risk of drowning out the music.
Her music forces you to pay attention because if your mind wanders for just a moment you miss something truly beautiful. Wonderful stuff from a gifted and criminally underrated artist.

This is an Audio rip of her live DVD from Archive.

Guest stars include Michio Kurihara from Ghost and Wata from Boris
8songs 45m18s lossless .wav
02_ka mi tsu re no o o ki na mi zu ta ma ri
06_tee te te
07_the future

Ai Aso - Chamomille Pool Live
Feed on the filth of the world Part 1
Feed on the filth of the world Part 2

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The latest record by this wonderful acid folk guitarist.
It's records like these that make me hate the language barrier but also make me realise that music is such a powerful language in itself.
His voice just rolls over itself in such a way that you can't help but get caught in the undertow.
Beautiful stuff and recommended as always

Kim Doo Soo - 10 days butterfly
12songs 54m08s
Feed on the filth of the world


Before the Akira soundtrack made them a household name in every weeaboo's parent's basement, they were busy teaching themselves how to program so they could introduce a new element to their ensemble.

This is their first album, circa 76. Haunting, excitable, mesmerizing: words can't describe the feeling you get from this record. The second track is my favourite, mostly for the female vocals that pervade the track and the wonderful harmonies that the group can conjure up. This album is absolutely incredible.

An absolute must for fans of world music, traditional japanese in particular.

Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Osorezan b/w Doh no kembai
2 songs 37m31s
Feed on the filth of the world


When Aaron Dilloway went to Nepal a couple years back he made some field recordings as well as recorded a couple performances from a traveling band of Snake Charmers.
While the field recordings are great, the snake charmer stuff is wicked awesome.

Highly recommended. This archive includes both volumes of the set.

The Nath family - Sounds of the Indian Snake Charmer
6 songs. 67m5s
Feed on the filth of the world

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ye Olde Searchboxe is working. I guess I just had to wait for Google to index the page. Awesome


Almost 20 years now and I'm still just as huge a fan as I was when I first saw them on MTV

This is the Steve Albini mix of In Utero, presented in delicious flac. This mix is really what should have been released mainstream but, understandably, it was too rough and gritty to be able to travel the radio waves so they flattened it and made it tinny and weak and that's what they sold at walmart with a censored cover.

Anywhoo this is the real raw deal and it makes the album way better. Get into it

Nirvana In Utero
13songs 43m34s

Feed on the filth of the world


In keeping with the spirit of Neurot, here is the Mashup between Times of Grace and Grace, the ambient companion album. Seriously awesome so do this up.

10songs 1h2m43s 128kbps
if I can find a higher bitrate i'll update this post. the album still sounds monstrous though
Feed on the filth of the world


This is their set from the Scion Rock Fest in Atlanta earlier this year. One of the best shows I've ever been to and their set was absolutely mind melting. My only complaint was that they didn't play Locust Star but that's okay. They could have sat on stage for an hour playing Uno and I would have loved every second of it.

01_a sun that never sets
02_given to the rising
04_water is not enough
05_at the end of the road
06_stones from the sky (!!!!!)
08_fear & sickness
09_to the wind
10_times of grace

neurosis live in Atlanta 28.feb.09
1h29m54s 192kbps (sendspace link)
Feed on the filth of the world

Friday, October 30, 2009


A lapse in activity but what I got here is well worth it in my not so humble opinion.
One of the reasons I created this blog was to upload material not readily available; the other reason was to have a place to upload my various mixtapes. I love making mixes. Most of the time, if Winamp is open, I'm listening to all of my music on shuffle.

Anyhow, I wanted to make a mixtape based on a decade and I figured the 80s would be an absolutely perfect place to start. The 80s, to me, wasn't so much about synthpop, disco and cocaine parties. To me, the 80s was a wonderful period in time where different genres were really coming into their own and starting to mature. Shit like Industrial, hardcore, grind, hiphop: the 80s were a decade of experimenting in the rawest form of the word and as a result the music that came out of the underground was gritty, dirty, and best of all, fucking incredible. There was no Myspace, no Rhapsody or It was music for music's sake and to be a fan of the music meant so much more those days than they do now in the AOL Generation.
This, of course, coming from someone who was born in the early 80s, so correct me if I am terribly off base.

If you get the reference, you've come to the right place my friend. Welcome

This mix is a collection of my personal favourites from the 80s and is by no means a comprehensive list of the best. I tried to focus on bands with which I have an emotional connection.

My only regret is that I wasn't able to put my favourite Bags song on here, although I was able to add a Fun Things song. The Fun Things EP is by far one of the best punk records to ever fucking exist and I mean that with all of my soul. Seriously, go download it (or ask me to upload it). It's up there with Lexicon Devil and Nervous Breakdown as far as personal favourite hardcore singles goes.

This truly was a labor of love. I spent more time than I should've on the ugly ass cover but I honestly think this comp is worth it. I haven't been this excited about a mix in years.
It's got something for everyone from industrial to hardcore to black metal to dark ambient to WEIRD AL YANKOVIC. I really think that anyone can find something they enjoy on this mix so please give these incredible artists a chance to be heard, even if its just once.


Various Let them Eat the 80s! - 47 extracts from Americas darker side.
(don't give me shit about the Nirvana track. I know it wasn't released until 92 but it was recorded in 89 so THERE)

Feed on the filth of the world.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Audience recording of their live set at Royal Festival Hall - London
They perform "Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in Space" in its entirety.
Recording quality is very good and the performance itself is excellent. Get into it

Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen... Live Royal Festival Hall 12.oct.09
14 songs 1h48m40s variable bitrate

Feed on the filth of the world


Much like Acid Mothers Temple, Sunburned Hand of the Man and every avant garde noise/freakfolk/weirdpunk band to ever exist, I have a hard time keeping up with their releases and find myself constantly playing catch up. On the bright side, there's a ton of material out there and mostly all of it is excellent.

This was recorded at Maximum Arousal in Oct. 08 and, like all micro releases, it was limited to 100 copies and sold out instantly. A great recording and one of my favourites from them. Highly recommended for fans of psych and Vermont.

MV & EE - Hick Smoke
7 songs 46m11s 192 kbps

Feed on the filth of the world


If you don't download this you're laaameee
You know and love Thorr's Hammer and you've hopefully listened to Khlyst. This is her solo record released last year on Utech. A mix of drone, dark ambient and noise held together by vocals that fill you with a sense of dread. A truly organic record.
Mixed by Tore Ylvisaker of Ulver

Runhild Gammelsæter - Amplicon
11 songs 38m45s 320kbps
(rapid link as mediafire is unresponsive right now)
Feed on the filth of the world

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Maddeningly slow doom with clean vocals. This is their first full length.
For fans of Warning, Electric Wizard and Leviathan A.D.

Reverend Bizarre - in the rectory of the bizarre reverend
6 songs 1h14m06s 128kbps
NOTE: this is not the reissue

(rapidshare link because mediafire sucks)
Feed on the filth of the world

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This here is a very good live set from Psychedelphia, Pa

Acid Mothers Temple - Live 11.nov.00 1h8m44s 192kbps Get into it.
Feed on the filth of the world

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Last one for the night, I swear.

The Great Gonzo: Washington and Lee University Lexington VA. February 4, 1991
A must for fans of the late great Mr. Thompson

192 kbps. not the greatest recording but clear enough. (not my link)
Feed on the filth of the world


Smoking Blues.
This album is a longer version of the unreleased EP Live at Montreux Casino, which contained recordings from a show on November 21, 1970 at the Montreux Casino in Montreux. The EP consisted of four songs and an interview. Smoking Blues adds three more songs, but does not contain the interview.

This album contains the first known available recording of "Just Another 12 Bar", a improvised blues instrumental. In an unusual circumstance for a live album, the final track, "More Blues", fades out.

1.1 astronomy domine
1.2 fat old sun
1.3 atom heart mother
2.1 cymbaline
2.2 the embryo
2.3 just another twelve bar
2.4 more blues

presented in delicious flac format so excuse the multi-part sendspace download
Part 1
Feed on the filth of the world
Part 2
Feed on the filth of the world


This one's a gem. If you own the 5" version of their "Somewhere between the train station and the dumping grounds" you might have noticed the 28 minute pretrack at the beginning of the album. I couldn't ever find a rip of this so I figured I'd up it.

This was supposedly performed somewhere in Wisconsin but the venue/date/all essentials details related to this have eluded me. Still, it's an incredible document of the aggression this band carried and the wonderful eccentricities that clouded the mind of Rene Barge. Listening to his ranting and raving is almost worth the cost of admission alone.

Cavity - live in Wisconsin
27m25s .wav format (sendspace link because the file is over 200MB)
Feed on the filth of the world


Second post of the day is dedicated to one of my absolute favourite bands.

This is their set from Roadburn 2007. Enjoy

Feed on the filth of the world


I guess a proper first post would be the First volume of the Mix series my cousin and I are doing.
Volume 2 is coming soon but in the meantime taste these crunchy grooves. I'd write up a tracklist but the images below speak for themselves.
It's one continuous track (the way mixtapes should be) and it flows together pretty well i must say.


Feed on the filth of the world


First post

electronic mail



Just doing my part.