Ye Olde Searchboxe

Saturday, December 5, 2009


been a while, sorry.

This little number comes to us from the fertile ground that was Japan, 1970. This is a blistering collaboration featuring free jazz sax exrremist, Kaoru Abe and is absolutely mind melting.
Whenever these two are on the same record together they create a whirlwind of noise that's almost hard to handle but those who do come away with a new appreciation for this style of music. This is an incredible document of the power these two (especially Kaoru) can create.

I myself am not a huge fan of Free Jazz and have long considered it a sort of lackadaisical farce of a genre. Being a fan of Noise though, with all of its inherent dissonance and lack of structure, I could never really justify my distate other than simply not liking it. Becoming a fan of early Japanese artists has started to shift my mindset though. Artists like Kazuki Tomokawa, Kan Mikama, Jun Togawa and Otomo Yoshihide have started to expose me to the seedy underbelly of the Jazz scene and its heroes. These are two of my newfound luminaries.

This might be a rough testbed for both of these artists but if you can appreciate it, you will definitely love everything else they've achieved together. Enjoy.

Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe Mass Projection
2 songs 54m3s
Feed on the filth of the world

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