Ye Olde Searchboxe

Friday, October 30, 2009


A lapse in activity but what I got here is well worth it in my not so humble opinion.
One of the reasons I created this blog was to upload material not readily available; the other reason was to have a place to upload my various mixtapes. I love making mixes. Most of the time, if Winamp is open, I'm listening to all of my music on shuffle.

Anyhow, I wanted to make a mixtape based on a decade and I figured the 80s would be an absolutely perfect place to start. The 80s, to me, wasn't so much about synthpop, disco and cocaine parties. To me, the 80s was a wonderful period in time where different genres were really coming into their own and starting to mature. Shit like Industrial, hardcore, grind, hiphop: the 80s were a decade of experimenting in the rawest form of the word and as a result the music that came out of the underground was gritty, dirty, and best of all, fucking incredible. There was no Myspace, no Rhapsody or It was music for music's sake and to be a fan of the music meant so much more those days than they do now in the AOL Generation.
This, of course, coming from someone who was born in the early 80s, so correct me if I am terribly off base.

If you get the reference, you've come to the right place my friend. Welcome

This mix is a collection of my personal favourites from the 80s and is by no means a comprehensive list of the best. I tried to focus on bands with which I have an emotional connection.

My only regret is that I wasn't able to put my favourite Bags song on here, although I was able to add a Fun Things song. The Fun Things EP is by far one of the best punk records to ever fucking exist and I mean that with all of my soul. Seriously, go download it (or ask me to upload it). It's up there with Lexicon Devil and Nervous Breakdown as far as personal favourite hardcore singles goes.

This truly was a labor of love. I spent more time than I should've on the ugly ass cover but I honestly think this comp is worth it. I haven't been this excited about a mix in years.
It's got something for everyone from industrial to hardcore to black metal to dark ambient to WEIRD AL YANKOVIC. I really think that anyone can find something they enjoy on this mix so please give these incredible artists a chance to be heard, even if its just once.


Various Let them Eat the 80s! - 47 extracts from Americas darker side.
(don't give me shit about the Nirvana track. I know it wasn't released until 92 but it was recorded in 89 so THERE)

Feed on the filth of the world.

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